







Running 〰️ Cycling 〰️ Duathlon 〰️ Endurance 〰️

Simple, easy and accessible coaching, online and in person in running, cycling and Multisport events.

Designed specifically for …..

The runners, the riders and the couch to 5k-ers. The PB chasers, the sexy pacers and the weekend warriors. Whether cycling, running or both, AYU is for every athlete striving to recognise their full potential.

Who remain .....


It’s Simple Really

Yep, AYU stands for "As Yet Unrecognised" and it means exactly what it sounds like it should. The belief that everyone who strives to be better at whatever they do has more potential than they have yet to realise. It's about positivity, effort and the desire to improve, in whatever you're doing. All it takes is guidance and commitment.

Whether a seasoned athlete, training for your first event, or just want to get fit. I can help you recognize your potential.

Either in person or online

"There may be people that have more talent than you. But there's no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do" 

Derek Jeter

As a competitive “Age-group” athlete and experienced coach in running, cycling and Duathlon, I have helped various athletes from “newbies” to the more experienced. My firm belief is that we can never stop learning and becoming better, more efficient athletes in pursuit of our goals and in turn, us as coaches can continue to develop and learn from a wide variety of abilities in the people who come to us.

My coaching philosophy is in treating each person as unique. With their own abilities, limitations, lifestyle factors and, of course, their goals. So rather than a “one size fits all” downloaded training plan, I see far greater value in speaking with each person and developing a plan that evolves with them on their journey. Making it fun, interesting and achievable, while getting them out of their comfort zone.

Daz Red

Coach & Founder



worldwide coaching

Benefit from dedicated coach support, from anywhere in the world.


Start a plan from as little as one month to a year. No minimum sign-up and no lengthy contract.


Delivered through Training Peaks, your workouts are delivered straight to your device.

  • I believe everybody who intends to run over a prolonged period, whether its training for an event or just to get fit, should make use of a running coach to learn how to run. It may seem obvious that we all already know how to run but running is a skill and just like any other skill it can be taught. It can be developed and improved through a systematic and progressive training approach.

  • To be able to run better, faster, and more efficiently we first need to move better. Instead of asking you to run more (that will happen gradually), you need to plan to move better. Using the training methods and the skills I teach, the neurophysiology of your brain will adapt and rewire for moving better and so a more efficient running form. Improving your movement to be a more durable runner, build your running skills and rewire how your body moves. Using the simple strength training methods, along with the structured training plan, you can strengthen the specific areas that are causing the errors in your technique.

  • In your search for a coach, whether its for running, cycling or your general fitness, you will likely come across fitness coaches, personal trainers and even other runners who will all offer their services with claims of improving your PB’s and provide a training plan for you to follow. But improving fitness and endurance isn’t a “one size fits all” sport. We’re all different, we move different, our bodies are different. Our lifestyles, backgrounds and our individual challenges, mean we need an approach to training that is specific to us. That’s where a bespoke plan, written specifically for you, is the best approach.


At AYU, we're not just coaches, we're mentors and allies. Our athletes aren't merely numbers or clients, they're part of our extended family. We're fully immersed in their athletic journeys, unwavering in our dedication to their success. When they conquer a milestone, we cheer them on, and when they stumble, we offer support, guiding them through the challenges.

At AYU, every athlete under our care feels empowered, nurtured, and inspired to reach their full potential.

And you, are no exception.


Please take a moment to send me details of how I may be able to help you in your journey.