“I believe everyone has - as yet unrecognised - potential, it’s why I launched my own coaching business. To help anyone who, like me, has struggled to overcome challenges that have held them back before.”

So there it is, "AYU" simply stands for "As Yet Unrecognised". Starting as just a very personal hashtag (#asyetunrecognised) on my own Instagram account, I used it to remind myself that I have not yet reached my full potential. Not just in the very few years since I first took up running, but my life. Never quite reaching the potential that I always felt was there. Whether through not having a support network, negative influences, health/injury issues, or was it just bad life choices. I could blame any number of events or reasons but ultimately it's down to me. I took back control of my life, removed things that were bad for me, and decided to finally recognise the potential in me, in my late 40's. 

As a former athlete, playing American football, Rugby, Kick Boxing and Judo I have learnt from elite, pro coaches and athletes both in the UK and USA. After retiring from competitive sports in 2003 and utilising the knowledge I had gained from coaches at the top of their respective fields, I started training other athletes and helping them achieve their goals. Specialising in strength and conditioning for power and endurance sports.


In 2012 I was involved in a near fatal crash, the following complications which included spinal problems and a heart condition meant I spent the next few years not being able to exercise and my health deteriorated. So, in 2016, I took up running to improve my health. Being new to running and endurance sports, I began the, all too common, cycle of run, injury, rest and run again that many new and some experienced runners go through. It didn’t take me too long to realise that there must be a better way to train, to work with my body instead of against it and to dig deeper into how I moved, not just running, but in every way. So, learning from coaches who were leaders in their fields, movement specialists, running coaches and other athletes, I completely rewired the way I ran and took minutes off my 5k time while also running more efficiently and most importantly injury free. Then, in 2019 I qualified in my age group for Team GB in Sprint Duathlon and represented GB at the European Championships 2020 and again at the World Championships in 2021, placing 36th in the world in my age group.

So now, As a competitive “Age-group” athlete and experienced coach in running, cycling and Duathlon, I have been able to help various athletes from “newbies” to the more experienced that still struggle with form or injuries. My firm belief is that we can never stop learning and becoming better, more efficient athletes in pursuit of our goals and in turn, us as coaches can continue to develop and learn from a wide variety of abilities in the people who come to us.

With the knowledge and the relevant qualifications I have gained, I began to develop my own program to improve running technique in others. I noticed that the typical “runners strength training” programs were very generic and did not take into account the way the individual moves. Now, using my experience and the knowledge I have gained from the best coaches in their field, I can help others to reach their full potential.

 My coaching philosophy is in treating each person as unique. With their own abilities, limitations, lifestyle factors and, of course, their goals. So rather than a “one size fits all” downloaded training plan, I see far greater value in speaking with each person and developing a plan that evolves with them on their journey. Making it fun, interesting and achievable, while getting them out of their comfort zone.

I look forward to working with you.

Daz Red